Jusbrasil Consulta Processual

From an almost dead product to a profitable one

Jusbrasil is the world's most accessed legal portal, used daily by over 1.6 million people in Brazil. Additionally, more than 900,000 lawyers take advantage of our products. Jusbrasil provides complete coverage of sources from the Judiciary and federal and state Superior Courts. It also offers free access to legal articles, court precedents, laws, and the Federal Register of Brazil, empowering any citizen to understand their rights.
Mobile and Desktop


300% revenue improvement  •  +Knowledge about the user  •  Ideal product Concept Design
Cover image of Jusbrasil Consulta Processual

The challenge

Jusbrasil allows public legal data to be searched on Google, assisting in understanding legal issues. However, we face a high demand for information removal requests due to privacy concerns.

This issue was impacting Jusbrasil Alertas, a product that alerts users about specific terms found in public legal data. As a result, it had a low return on investment (ROI). Consequently, the founders were thinking of discontinuing it. Nevertheless, was this idea the best way to follow? We weren't sure, so we decided to understand it better.

“We need to evaluate whether this product is beneficial for us. Given the growing demand for content removal and the increased legal expenses we have experienced, discontinuation may be necessary.”
Jusbrasil founders

The solution

With the aim of determining a product's future, but without a clear understanding of the problem or user, I decided to take a broader approach, focusing on acquiring knowledge to help make an informed decision step by step.

The problem behind the problem

We had very little information about the product problem, so I organized a half-day workshop with key stakeholders to gather all relevant information in an UCD Canvas. After reviewing the information, we realized that discontinuing the product was too risky for the company, and we believe it has helped users with their legal issues.
We needed more information about our users, so the product manager and I conducted a research study by creating a questionnaire on the company website. We received valuable insights immediately, discovering that the product was helping more people than causing problems. We realized that a noisy minority caused the problem we faced.

Only 8% of the users experienced issues with the product. Most users reported that the product helped them find information about their lawsuit.

With all relevant information in an UCD Canvas was easier to understand what was going on

Before and After Brand of Pega Credito

Quickly testing our hypothesis

After gathering information from research results and user interviews, we identified that users were seeking information regarding their lawsuits. We conducted AB tests on the platform to validate our best direction. The tests helped us understand that we could make the product profitable by changing its communication. This validation gave us a clear direction to follow. We needed to communicate the product differently by focusing on the users' primary needs.

Short term goal — improving the product's ROI

First, we focused on improving the product's ROI. So, we refined the product's communication, focusing on the users' primary need: finding information about their lawsuits. We also redesigned the content removal flow to make it more friendly and clear with the aim of reducing the content removal solicitations.

After the redesign, we reduced the content removal solicitations by 15% and improved the product's revenue by 300%.

A new experience focused on main user needs

Before and After Brand of Pega Credito

Long term goal — designing the future

After these results, we conceptualized the ideal product for our long-term vision, keeping our users' needs at the forefront. This comprehensive plan was crucial in turning an almost-dead product into a profitable one.
Before and After Brand of Pega Credito
Before and After Brand of Pega Credito

New personal space for easy track lawsuits

Before and After Brand of Pega Credito
Revenue improvement
Support tickets
User engagement


Through leading the Jusbrasil Consulta Processual project, I've learned the value of thorough problem-understanding before deciding on solutions. Gathering insights through workshops and research helped us discern the product's true impact. Testing hypotheses and aligning communication with user needs were pivotal in transforming the product into a profitable venture, emphasizing both short and long-term goals for sustained success.


Mobile and Desktop Design
Visual Design
User Experience
Data Analysis
A/B Test
Backlog management